Advisory Opinions - Overview

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Advisory Opinions are issued by the Commission upon request. See KRS 6.681​.

They may be requested by:

  • Persons covered by the Code of Ethics;
  • Any person personally or directly involved; or
  • The Commission on its own initiative.

The Code of Legislative Ethics requires a request for an advisory opinion:

  • To be submitted to the Commission in writing;
  • To state relevant facts; and
  • To ask specific questions.

Confidentiality of requests for an advisory opinion

The Commission is required to promulgate administrative regulations establishing criteria under which it may issue confidential advisory opinions.

A request remains confidential unless confidentiality is waived:

  • In writing by the requestor;
  • By majority vote of the Commission, if the person makes public the substance or portion of an advisory opinion requested.

Most Recent Formal Opinion

OLEC 18-01 was approved December 12, 2018.

Advisory Opinions - Overview